31.10.2016 - EWE AG

EWE to be leading utility company for the north of Germany by 2026

EWE Board of Management presents new corporate strategy /
Course of growth also focuses on strategic partnerships and acquisitions

Oldenburg, Germany, 31 October 2016. Growing in new regions and business areas, launching innovative products, providing the blueprint for a successful energy turnaround and boosting our efficiency in all business areas – these are the challenges currently affecting the energy industry that EWE AG (Oldenburg) intends to tackle with its new approach. The municipal energy group is aiming to expand its profitability in Germany and abroad over the next ten years by building up its infrastructure, expanding its customer base and tapping into new markets. As well as organic growth in existing business areas such as renewable energies and electric mobility, EWE is concentrating on acquisitions and strategic partnerships. “We have set ourselves the goal of becoming the leading utility company for the north of Germany by 2026,” says Matthias Brückmann, Chief Executive Officer of EWE AG. The target is to increase the Group’s EBIT to EUR 560 million by 2026 (2015: EUR 428 million). The integration of swb, which will possibly be pursued in the next few years, will contribute to this increase in EBIT. “For EWE, it goes without saying that we need to find fair solutions for the sites in Bremen and Oldenburg,” assures Brückmann.

“With this new strategy, we are reacting to the unparalleled upheaval that Germany’s energy sector now finds itself in,” Brückmann explains. “We do not see this as a risk, but rather as a great opportunity ready for the taking.” According to Brückmann, EWE is already in a very good position and stands out notably from other large utility companies in Germany. Unlike other energy suppliers, EWE hardly has any relics and started focusing on sustainable energy very early on. With its telecommunications and IT branches, the Group has had crucial expertise at its fingertips for years now, giving it the power to intelligently and efficiently tackle the challenges of the energy turnaround. “Another important contributor is the fact that we started working on changing perspectives at a very early stage. The word digitisation is not foreign to us,” says Brückmann.

Making the most of digitisation

EWE will use digital innovations in order to provide its customers with tailored products and services that generate added value. EWE is also consolidating its position as a trailblazer in the area of smart grids with the help of innovative measurement and control technology. The enera project aims to develop the model region for the energy supply system of tomorrow, today. “We are aiming to achieve a new level of innovative capability, digital expertise and agility,” says Brückmann, adding that at the same time, EWE will systematically discontinue activities that do not fit with the strategic priorities. As part of this, the company plans to completely move away from conventional production plants by 2026 at the latest.

Northwest remains the heart of the company
“We want to set the pace of change in the energy industry,” says Brückmann. “We will be working more actively across regions and internationally. When we talk about the north of Germany, we mean the entire area north of the river Main, but, of course, we will not neglect our home region. Oldenburg is still where our headquarters are located, and the northwest is and remains the heart of the energy turnaround.

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