Keyvisual EWE Stiftung

EWE Stiftung Promotes Diversity 

Turning Good Ideas into Successful Projects

By its funding EWE Stiftung provides financial support to associations und institutions in the EWE regions, contributing to the enrichment of local communities. Whether educational projects, exhibitions, concerts, or environmental and nature conservation projects - we support a wide range of initiatives within our funding area.

EWE Stiftung at a Glance

Because we believe it is important to bring together people who actively engage in their communities and take responsibility, the EWE Stiftung has been supporting civic engagement and volunteer work for two decades. As a funding foundation, we focus on education and upbringing, art and culture, science, as well as nature and environmental protection – in the regions between the Ems, Weser, and Elbe rivers, in parts of Brandenburg, and on the island of Rügen.

Foto des Engagement der EWE Stiftung

Latest updates

Which projects, topics, and people are currently shaping our foundation's activities? We provide insights into current funding projects and calls for applications, present publications, and share information from our cooperation partners.

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Die Wirkungsfelder der EWE Stiftung

Our Areas of Impact

Democracy and social competence, STEM and environmental education, as well as cultural mediation – these three areas of impact are the focus of the EWE Stiftung's funding activities and are aimed at all applicants working in these fields.

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Die Preisträgerinnen des Helene-Lange-Preises 2024

Our Projects

Through our awards and partnerships, we highlight current topics and promote dialogue. For example, the Helene Lange Prize honors female scientists who explore digitalization in an innovative and interdisciplinary way, while the Klaus von Klitzing Prize annually recognizes teachers who are particularly committed to science education.

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Introduce your project to us!Would you like to realize a heartfelt project ind the fields of education, upbringing, art, culture, science or nature und environmental protection and need support? Apply for funding now!
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