However, network operators such as EWE must ensure that the energy network remains stable and that the electricity flowing through the lines is always equal to the amount currently being used by consumers. Digital support is the only way to control this complex system with predictive power and safety.
Digitalisation – setting the pace for the energy revolution
The energy revolution is already a reality in EWE’s networks. Virtually all the electricity that flows through our networks is generated from renewable sources. This fact poses enormous challenges for the control of the energy supply system: Instead of a few large, fossil-fuelled power plants, there are countless small, renewables-based power plants. How many is largely a function of the weather.
A suitable political framework is needed for digitalisation to unfold its full power for climate protection

Digital data is a key guarantee for the success of the energy transition. However, the added value only emerges through linking, analysing and evaluating data. The collection of data related to energy consumption should be carried out by the network operator or the access network operator. Measures to manage individual consumption should serve the network in this context. This means that it is essential to have future-oriented system management with the help of additional measurement, control and regulation technology in order to develop the networks into a smart grid.

The German Digitisation of the Energy Transition Act (Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende) is designed to make electricity consumption transparent. However, about 80 per cent of our customers are currently equipped with meters with no digital connection, meaning that the technical potential, in particular with regard to innovative apps that motivate people to save energy, remains largely untapped. Metering point operators should be encouraged to digitally connect all consumers to create the infrastructure basis for digital services. To achieve this, opportunities must be created so that it is economically feasible for metering point operators to install smart metering systems at consumption points with an annual consumption of less than 6000 kWh.
Current developments at the EU level should also be mentioned in this context. Unreasonable restrictions are being placed on the further processing of smart meter data and the development and use of artificial intelligence. As a result, the potential for climate protection is not being fully realised. There are also negative effects for the digital economy, and it is becoming unnecessarily difficult to create value in Europe. EWE is calling for the German government to become actively involved in European legislative processes and to advocate for technological openness and the promotion of digital innovations.