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Clear guidelines for maximum integrity

We are aware that EWE bears a particularly high degree of responsibility in the regions in which it operates, and is therefore in the public eye. The integrity and high transparency of business processes are fundamental to business success. Accordingly, compliance is a core topic and is consistently implemented throughout the company.

We consider compliance to not only be the strict adherence to all laws and regulations, but also that our actions are consistent with the principles of sustainability, fairness and safety, as well as the values of our corporate culture. These principles are set out in the EWE Code of Conduct, which forms the overarching framework of rules for all action taken within the Group.

Our EWE Code of Conduct

We bear responsibility as part of society

EWE bears social responsibility. This results in the full observance and adherence to legislation for all business decisions. Our responsibility as part of society is reflected in the EWE Code of Conduct.

We bear responsibility in our business relations

We owe our success to the high quality of our products and services. We categorically reject all transactions resulting from dubious business practices. Our Code of Conduct reflects this responsibility as a company that works in partnerships. 

We bear responsibility at work

EWE protects the health of all its employees and ensures their safety. In addition to personal safety, we safeguard the personal data entrusted to us. The same applies to EWE's expertise and company property.

The EWE Code of Conduct for Partners

EWE also adheres to transparent principles when it comes to cooperation with our business partners. These are defined in the Code of Conduct for Partners.

Declaration on Human Rights

We consider the preservation of human rights to be a significant part of our corporate responsibility and we are committed to respecting and upholding them. In doing so, we are guided by international human rights reference instruments and frameworks. Through the following human rights declarations, we, as EWE, make our efforts transparent to the public.

EWE NETZ GmbH has also clearly committed itself to its responsibility for human rights. Read here the human rights declaration of EWE NETZ GmbH.

Read more

Supply chain due diligence law

Since 01.01.2023, EWE has been subject to the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). To this end, we report annually to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) on the fulfillment of our corporate due diligence obligations to avoid human rights violations in supply chains in the previous financial year. 
Our business partners can request information from us on the EcoVadis platform for their LkSG risk analysis.

Whistleblower system

EWE relies on the support of its employees and contract partners to observe laws and internal regulations. Infringements must be disclosed to avoid possible damage to the company and to protect employees and third parties. At EWE, all employees are responsible for reporting risks or violations of laws and internal regulations. In addition, we expressly encourage our customers and business partners as well as other third parties to report violations, abnormalities and risks.

The EWE AG compliance organization and an external ombudsman are available as contact points for whistleblowers. Both bodies meet the requirements for internal reporting channels according to the HinSchG. EWE assures that every report made in good faith will be treated confidentially and with respect. Whistleblowers are protected from potential retaliation.

The whistleblower system also serves as a complaints office in accordance with the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG). It thus also makes it possible to report human rights or environmental risks as well as breaches of obligations related to human rights or the environment resulting from EWE's own business activities or those of a direct or secondary supplier of EWE. The rules of procedure can be downloaded here

Our compliance contact details

Group Compliance Office


Keyword 'Hinweis'
Tirpitzstrasse 39
26122 Oldenburg, Germany

T +49 162 2903669

F +49 441 4805-1099



Jörn Beyer, attorney

HLP.Heiermann Losch Attorneys
Marienstraße 9-11
30171 Hanover, Germany

T +49 511 262 938-52

F +49 511 262 938-99



The HinSchG additionally provides for the possibility of an external report. For this purpose, the Federal Government establishes the External Federal Reporting Office at the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ). This office is factually independent and organisationally separate from the other areas of responsibility of the BfJ. This link takes you to the reporting channels published by the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ), which can be used by persons providing information to contact the external Federal Reporting Office.

Data processing in the whistleblower system is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Information for whistleblowers according to Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR can be found here.

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