13.10.2022 - EWE AG

EWE goals scientifically validated

Science Based Targets initiative confirms greenhouse gas reduction goals

Oldenburg, Germany, 13. October 2022. For EWE, climate protection is not a trend but a responsibility. EWE will be climate neutral by 2035, taking customers and the region along with it. With 2030 as an intermediate stop on its path towards climate neutrality, EWE plans to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 65 per cent and Scope 3 emissions by more than 30 per cent compared to the base year of 2018. The Science Based Targets initiative, a partnership between the Carbon Disclosure Project, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature, has scientifically investigated these targets and confirmed that our CO2 reduction goals are in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, under which 195 signing parties agreed that global warming must not exceed the limit of 1.5°C.

The criteria for the validation of companies’ emission reduction targets are regularly adapted to the current climate research findings.

Its carbon footprint is a core element of EWE’s non-financial declaration as well as a key management indicator for the EWE Group. The Group is one of the few utility companies that has science-based targets. A revalidation of the CO2 reduction goals is scheduled for 2027, five years after validation of the target. In order to reach its objectives, EWE has developed a number of measures. Among these are the phase-out of coal-fired power generation, the expansion of renewable energy sources, electrification of the fleet and increased building efficiency. Details on EWE’s climate and environmental data are available at Group key figures | EWE AG.

Foto vom Pressesprecher Mathias Radowski
Mathias Radowski Coordinator Press Office, Corporate News Center, Press Officer


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