Oldenburg, Germany, 8 December 2017. Marion Rövekamp will lead the Human Resources department, taking her place on the Board of Management of the energy and telecommunications company EWE AG (Oldenburg, Germany). The 56-year-old Human Resources manager for DB Regio will begin on 1 July 2018 at the latest. The Supervisory Board of EWE AG appointed Rövekamp when they convened today.
“As Chief of Human Resources, I am looking forward to the exciting task of finding sensible solutions for the challenges that the energy and telecommunications industry is facing due to the energy turnaround, digitalisation and modern working environments. EWE is rightly considered one of the most attractive and reliable employers in the northwest and offers interesting career perspectives for those outside of that region as well. This strength must be developed further in times of tough competition for specialists.”
Rövekamp began her career in 1990 at Deutsche Telekom AG after completing her law degree. She was most recently the Director of International Human Resources Development at Deutsche Telekom, from 2002 to 2005. Following this, she was a managing partner at taxo managementconsulting until 2011. In 2011, she joined the Board of Management of DB Regio AG.
Bernhard Bramlage, Chairman of the EWE Supervisory Board, says: “We are glad to have a distinguished specialist like Marion Rövekamp, who has many years of experience in technical companies, in charge of Human Resources in the EWE Board of Management. This means that the Board of Management is now complete once again and that EWE is well situated for the tasks that lie ahead.”
Marion Rövekamp joins EWE AG as new Chief of Human Resources and Director of Personnel
Supervisory Board appoints DB Regio manager; EWE Board of Management now complete again

Christian Blömer
Head of Group Communication and Brand, Group Spokeperson