
The path to the goal – EWE gets it done 

The path to the future of energy

Guided by the motto "We make innovation a part of everyday life," our activities are guided by our customers’ needs. We operate a modern and efficient infrastructure in our home region. By combining electricity, heat, telecommunications and mobility, we are driving the energy revolution. We make holistic use of our knowledge, implementation skills and results orientation for the future.

This includes EWE's aim of becoming carbon-neutral by 2035 while engaging the region and its customers in the process. We are creating opportunities for our customers and the region to join us on the journey towards climate neutrality, and offering them the chance to actively participate in the energy transition. Climate protection is a joint effort!

This is how the future could look in the Northwest

We act economically and sustainably by avoiding and reducing emissions. Compensation is only a second choice for us. Our initiatives in this area include expansion of the charging infrastructure and of renewable energy sources, development of green hydrogen, and inclusion of climate neutrality as a key procurement criterion. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Dive deeper into our comprehensive plan of action here on our website.

more about climate neutrality at EWE

With so many growth opportunities right on our doorstep, we want to leverage our position and harness the full potential of the Northwest's geographical location and existing assets. We are committed to the ambitious goals of transforming the energy industry following the four investment trends of electrification, digitalisation, decentralisation, and decarbonisation.

Stefan Dohler, Vorstandsvorsitzender EWE AG
Together, we can make northwest Germany the "Ruhr Valley of tomorrow" – but this time keep it clean. Stefan Dohler, Chief Executive Officer of EWE AG

For us as a company, electrification means significantly expanding the use of renewable energies, maintaining our market position, and increasing investment in the electricity infrastructure – for instance, in onshore wind in Germany and in ground-mounted photovoltaic power systems. This includes restructuring our energy services on a renewable basis and establishing a leading position for alternative heating solutions in EWE's network regions.

To advance digitalisation, we are increasing our investment in fibre-optic networks in order to meet the growing demand for data bandwidth, and to increase the speed of expansion and connection.

Electric mobility is becoming our core business, and we are focused on further expansion of the charging infrastructure. Our approach to decentralisation includes not only heightened investment in customer solutions "behind the meter" but also the provision of a self-sufficient energy supply using electricity and heat.

In addition to our own goal of climate neutrality by 2035, development of the North German hydrogen industry remains a high priority, as our geographical location in our network region provides optimal conditions for the development of a comprehensive hydrogen infrastructure: this is what we mean by decarbonisation.

A look into the coming years

Maedchen in Sommenblumenfeld vor Windkraftanalge

• According to the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), onshore wind-energy capacity is expected to reach 71 gigawatts by 2030. As of 2023, the load factor is 58 gigawatts, which means that an annual expansion of 4 to 7 gigawatts will be necessary.

• From now on, at least 80 per cent of Germany's gross electricity consumption will be covered by renewable energies,
compared to 46.2 per cent in 2022.

• Germany plans to stop using coal to produce energy, which will sharply reduce its share of carbon emissions. This plan contributes to the climate target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65 per cent by 2030. Starting now, the German government will set specific annual minimum reduction targets for each sector to achieve the country's goal of climate neutrality by 2045.


Our hard work has borne fruit: EWE has achieved climate neutrality.

As we actively work towards making our contribution to the energy revolution and thus ensuring the energy supply for the future, we have managed to make our company climate-neutral. Find out how we're doing this here on our website.

more on our plans for climate neutrality

Germany is climate-neutral

A balance has now been achieved between the emission and the mitigation of these greenhouse gases. Moreover, Germany is one of the world's first carbon-neutral industrial nations, with green hydrogen playing a key role.

iAnd by the way:

The German government plans on having negative emissions after 2050, meaning that more greenhouse gases will be sequestered in natural sinks than emitted.

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